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myrto Gesichtsöl für sensible Haut

The rediscovery of facial oils - why they are so valuable

In this article, you will learn what benefits facial oils offer your skin, what is important in a high-quality facial oil, why the organic quality of the oils is so important and what the differenc...

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BSFZ-Siegel des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung

Awarded the BSFZ seal by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Awarded the BSFZ seal: myrto natural cosmetics impresses with groundbreaking research! Our innovative project to develop hypoallergenic natural cosmetics without traditional emulsifiers was honore...

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Gesichtscreme mit Traubenkernöl

More beautiful skin with grape seed oil

More beautiful skin with grape seed oil – The most important benefits Cold-pressed grape seed oil is a real all-rounder for skin care. It is ideal for impure, oily or combination skin and is also...

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Do’s and Don’ts für eine starke Hautbarriere

Do's and Don'ts for a strong skin barrier

Strengthen the skin barrier If your skin is dry, irritated, flaky or cracked, if it is prone to itching, hypersensitivity or redness, this may be an indication of a damaged skin barrier. In this ...

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sun protection concepts

In past centuries, it was common to avoid direct sunlight. Those who did not have to work outdoors sought shade and covered their skin as much as possible. In the 1920s, however, a change began:...

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Anwendung Gesichtsöl

Using facial oils correctly - how effective are they really?

Facial oils are currently experiencing a big trend as they offer natural, minimalist skin care with few ingredients and are suitable for different skin types. They help to balance the skin by regul...

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Juliane im Labor

Strengthen the skin's acid mantle

What is the acid mantle? The acid mantle, also known as the hydrolipid film, is our skin's natural defense against environmental pollutants and microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses....

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Rosacea Hautbild

Rosacea and couperose – what helps?

What is rosacea? Rosacea - also known as copper rose or facial rose - is a non-contagious, chronic skin disease. It occurs primarily in the cheeks, nose and forehead. The disease usually begins i...

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myrto Bio Gesichtspflege - Gesichtscremes und Seren

Switching to a new facial care product - what should you consider?

A new facial care regimen for your skin is comparable to a change in diet for your body. If you previously had ready-made products with white flour and refined sugar on your menu and then switch to...

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