Institute for Natural Cosmetics Prof. Kruck
GmbH & Co. KG
Königsbergerstr. 43
51469 Bergisch Gladbach
Phone: +492202-459612
Fax: +492202-459629
Institut für Naturkosmetik Prof. Kruck GmbH & Co. KG is represented by the personally liable partner:
Institute for Natural Cosmetics Prof. Kruck GmbH, Cologne District Court, HRB 108260;
This is represented by Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Peter Kruck, Managing Director: Eva Silvana Kruck
Register Court: Cologne District Court
commercial register
Registration number: HRA 35797
professional liability insurance
Alte Leipziger, Alte Leipziger-Platz 1, 61440 Oberursel
Territorial scope: Federal Republic of Germany
VAT identification number according to Section 27a of the Sales Tax Law : DE349688920
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