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News about organic natural hair care, organic body care and organic face care

How do I find a good conditioner?

To recognize a high-quality conditioner, you should first and foremost check the ingredients and make sure that it does not contain any harmful chemicals such as silicones, polyquaternium, microplastics, parabens or sulfates.

The Organic Body Balm Shea Macadamia

Our new body cream, finally it's ready. The product is very mild and also suitable for children's skin. Regular use can be particularly helpful for dry or sensitive body skin affected or prone to eczema.
The epidermal (skin) barrier protects our skin against stressful, health-threatening influences from the outside world.

Facial Cream Without Emulsifiers - This is how you Help your Skin

Do you know the dilemma when you regularly take a facial cream, but your skin is becoming increasingly dry, sensitive and irritable?
myrto face creams are emulsifier-free. The innovative plant fiber concept with the active beta-glucan sustainably strengthens the protective skin barrier against transepidermal loss of moisture (TEWL) and penetration of pollutants from outside into our skin.