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News about organic natural hair care, organic body care and organic face care

Face care in autumn

When the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler, your skin not only needs additional moisture like it does in the summer months, but above all more comprehensive care. Cold temperatures, wind and heating air dry out the skin severely. They attack the protective skin barrier. As a result, the skin can no longer store enough moisture.

Questions and answers about sun protection

Interesting facts about sun protection, UV filters, their effects and side effects, application questions and tips for a healthy summer tan without risking premature skin aging.

Right care for Sensitive Combination Skin

Sensitive combination skin with ► pimples, redness acne, rosacea, blemishes ► causes & organic care tips for ✓ cleanser ✓ toner ✓ face cream ✓ face serum ✓ face oil

Face oils in the cold season

Face oils are highly effective, smoothing and balancing. They are the optimal rich skin care for every skin type - sensitive, dry or mature skin as well as oily or combination skin.
In the myrto sets you will find selected product combinations for your daily beauty routine, tailored to your individual skin type and your current skin situation.